Delete this docs category after your repository setup 🫠(You can adopt some statements as part of your own internal documentation)
Just make another one template 🥴
There are already exists many templates that solve different problems, but I haven't seen any solution that cover whole working process
- documentation for product knowledge base
- libraries setup - publication
- monorepo, integrated with good tooling (NX here)
- simple - it's really important, the template should be very easy to use
To be continued...
What's included?​
Package manager - Yarn 3​
I chose it for its potential flexibility, plugins system and some unique features.
You can change it to pnpm, it's a little more fast and have some additional caching features.
See details in:
Monorepo boosted by Nx​
Yes, it's complex debatable question about pros and cons of monorepo, but, ofc, in my vision, monorepo-based template is great choice for how to organize and visualize the approximate structure of real product.
It's not a just boilerplate. It's not a final solution. It's proposed variant, example of opportunities.
So, my about monorepo 😅, it's section already a bit overloaded, if you interested in and want to go deeper, - See our docs about monorepo
Automatic publishing of libraries in npm​
We use changesets to make it as simple as possible, you can find more information on the "Publishing libraries to NPM" page.
yarn changeset